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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

.Net SAP Connector Issue-How to connect .Net and SAP tool.

We are facing issues while we are connecting the .Net Code with a Abap remote enable function module.
Past Situation
1.       The current .Net system connects to SAP system that is 4.6 version.
2.       There are ABAP function modules  present in SAP system which are called.
Current Situation
1.       The .Net system remains unchanged and now its connected to another SAP system of ECC6 version
2.       The RFC modules are transported to the new system.
Issue: The .Net code uses a .Net SAP Connector to connect to the older 4.6 version. We have now changed the logon files for the connector to access the new system.
The connection is established with the .Net application and the SAP System.
We are also sure that we are connecting to the RFC as when we try to a non-existing RFC it gives a different error.
The connection fails in the last point of ‘SAP_Invoke’ function. Screenshot Below
We are not sure if an RFC is required for this. However we have tried creating one and still it does not work.
Please let us know how can we fix the issue.

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