Right now, we are facing one issues related to .net problem. Hence I thought to give a try with all of you .
you know the problem or solved similar one earlier, please help us and
we are happy to provide charge code for your time. This is pure .NET
technical problem and no functional knowledge required.
Problem: Encrypt the app.config of .net application and decrypt at
run time on another machine.
So for, I’m able to encrypt app.config using aspnet_regiis.exe tool based on the example given blow.
is successful if I encrypt the file and run the .exe on the same
machine, the .exe is able to decrypt the file successfully. But when I
deploy the encrypted file on to another machine the psytekk.exe is
simply closing and crashing. Then I realized to use keys and import on
target machines.
import and export stuff is not working properly for me i.e. the
encryption is not happening with “custom providers” before I export the
key. Hence helplessL
Could you help me with this problem? Let me know if you need any further details from my side.
Thanks in advance.
Please go through the below link.
an ASP.NET website is becoming easier with each new release of the .NET
framework, but as the learning curve flattens and more and more
developers create forward-facing sites, security concerns need to be
considered. One of the easiest new methods of ensuring that confidential
information remains secure is to encrypt sensitive sections of your
web.config file.
· We
can use the ASP.NET IIS Registration Tool (Aspnet_regiis.exe) to
encrypt or decrypt sections of a Web configuration file. ASP.NET will
automatically decrypt encrypted configuration elements when the
Web.config file is processed.
· Encrypt Configuration Section:
o Open up your Visual Studio 2005 command promt tool, and run the following command:
aspnet_regiis -pe "connectionStrings" –app "/testDomain" -prov "DataProtectionConfigurationProvider"
Here is the reference for the above command:
-pe : the encryption argument to aspnet_regiis utility
connectionStrings: Specifies the subsection of the web.config to encrypt
-app/testDomain: The encryption should occur at this virtual path
-prov "DataProtectionConfigurationProvider":
determines the type of encryption to perform. Use
DataProtectionConfigurationProvider to apply encryption via the Windows
DPAPI. I find this is easier to use for basic encryption. This method
will generate the decryption key and place it in the Local Security
· Decrypt Configuration Section:
o To
decrypt encrypted configuration file contents, you use the
Aspnet_regiis.exe tool with the -pd switch and the name of the
configuration element to be decrypted. You do not need to specify the
–prov switch to identify the name of the ProtectedConfigurationProvider,
because that information is read from the configProtectionProvider
attribute of the protected configuration section.aspnet_regiis -pd
"connectionStrings" -app "/testDomain"
aspnet_regiis -pd "connectionStrings" –app "/testDomain"
· The
default encryption type is "RSAProtectedConfigurationProvider" uses the
.NET Framework’s RSACryptoServiceProvider class’ public key algorithm.
· Once
you’ve encrypted your web.config sections, you’re set. The beauty of
this is that you as a developer need not do anything to your code to
decrypt this information. Any component that requires access to an
encrypted section will automagically decrypt this information.
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